

Wilhelm aims to give the newly qualified probationer a safe haven.  A creative tried and tested resource bank of teaching materials and  helpful advice.

As an advocate of technical education  an area of education  that Wilhelm is particularly passionate about.  He has taken it upon himself  to develop and deliver  new, exciting and stimulating materials to both pupils and teachers alike.  In a quest to keep this area of education fresh and rewarding the unique style of these materials  have become his signature or trademark.  The success of these materials has seen many elements adopted by other currently practicing teachers.  A fresh and unique approach  is taken during their development, unorthodox, however they are unquestionably effective.

Home. Site Map. About. S1. S2. S3. S4. S5. Technical Graphics.
A range  of Graphic techniques covered by most pupils studying the subject.
Technical Design and Craft.
A range  of Design topics covered by most pupils studying the subject.
Note:  Any current or former pupils of mine who wish to continue to have their Graphic Communication work displayed on this site should contact me in person.  In the interim, I wish to thank you for your support and kindness in the interest of helping others.
Pupil Resources.
A selection of images and helpful resources that will be of assistance when engaged  with coursework.
Curriculum For Excellence.
An overview of the basic structure of CFE S1 to S6 and a range of materials in support that includes explanations of the Design Factors, Modelling Techniques, etc and also examples of Unit Structures and more.
Home. Site Map. About.

Artist, Photographer and Technical Advisor

Exemplar Pupils’ Work

Wilhelm’s work is founded upon good practice that correlates well with both school and industry requirements.